Festival Of Lights

Paper cutout collages, like Festival of Lights, or drawings that illustrate the Jewish Festivals and holidays of Passover, Hanukkah and the Jewish New Year were created especially for licensing as illustrations for publications. Currently there are 45 “Flora Rosefsky” colorful and joyful artworks that are presented for licensing. Other artworks, outside of the three holidays mentioned, are also available.

A few selected publications who have licensed my work include Hallmark Greeting Cards, The Atlanta Jewish Times, Intermountain Jewish News, The Hebrew Watchman (Memphis), Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle, Jewish Exponent (Philadelphia, PA), Cleveland Jewish News, Detroit Jewish News, Southeast Virginia Jewish News, Washington Jewish Week, Jewish Journal Boston North, Jewish News of Phoenix, and the Kansas City Jewish Chronicle.

My artwork can be licensed for books, magazines, newspapers, calendars and online publications.

Paper cutout collage; 11″ x 14”