Personal Sanctuary

While browsing through local  antique shops, I often find interesting vintage textiles, like this red and white checkerboard tablecloth whose blank white spaces became the perfect support to draw whimsical ways of how one finds sanctuary when one enters his or her home. The people depicted seem safe and secure amid an outside world of chaos and unpredictability. I looked to the activities my family, friends and I would pursue in that safe space called home.

This work was a centerpiece in a solo show, “Shelter & Sanctuary” at the DeKalb County Arts Council exhibition at The Temple Gallery in Decatur, and was on loan for six months at Emory University’s Cannon Chapel.

Exhibited at a WCA-JWAN show at The Kraft Center for Jewish Life at Columbia/Barnard  University in New York , the work was also part of the 25th Annual  National Collage Society’s Juried Exhibition held at Mason Murer Fine Art in Atlanta. More recently, it was on exhibit at  “A Journey in Time: Art by The American Guild of Judaic Art” at the Marcus JCC of Atlanta.

Mixed media; vintage tablecloth circa 1940, ink drawing, acrylic paint, paper cutout, ephemera. 48″ x 48”