
The Jewish calendar year is made up of many boundaries of time, with special rituals or traditions associated with each commemorative holiday celebration; the fall festival of Sukkot reminds us of the Exodus from Egypt and wandering of 40 years. Schach is the Hebrew word for a temporary open roof constructed for a dwelling or booth called a Sukkah. The grid boundary lines of Schach uses news clippings, handwritten words, and personal family ephemera that mirror the temporary and fragile qualities of our homes, neighborhoods and communities. What is permanent beyond the physical structures? What causes safe boundaries to disappear? What control do we have to avoid the chaos of life? Yet how can we celebrate the sweetness and joyous blessings we do have?

Schach is currently on view with Shawn Vinson Art at The Cornerstone Bank in Decatur at 125 Clairemont Avenue near Decatur’s historic square, in Decatur, GA.

Mixed media: ephemera, paper cutout, found materials. 62″ x 42” (framed)